Episode 15: Executive Director Will Anderson
This week the Troublesome Boys meet up with the new Executive Director of Hindman Settlement School, Will Anderson. Tune in to discover more about Will, his background, hobbies, aspirations, and who he thinks the coolest person on staff is. Plus, as always, we get down to the nitty gritty with lightning round questions!
Facebook Handles
Jordan- @jordancollins
Corey - @coreydterry
We are now hiring more tutors for our ReadingCorps program in Knott, Perry, and Leslie counties. For more information go to Hindman.org/recruitment or contact Jordan Collins at jordan@hindman.org.
Family Yoga Night at the Settlement - June 24th 4:00-6:00.
Knott County Farmer's Markets happening now every Tuesday from 4:00-6:00 and will begin opening on Fridays in July from 10:00-12:00
Donor Recognition & Gratitude
Patricia Cannon Childs
Jacob Feree Chapter DAR, Pittsburgh, PA
Cora and Joe Pinhak
Save the Children