
Episode 22: The Girl Singer with Marianne Worthington

Corey Terry & Jordan Collins Season 1 Episode 22

This week, the Troublesome boys sit down with poet Marianne Worthington, author of our latest Fireside Industries publication, The Girl Singer. 

Facebook Handles
Jordan- @jordancollins
Corey - @coreydterry

Marianne- @marianneworthington


Shop our full line of Kentucky Proud Holiday Gift Boxes at www.hindman.org/shop 

Our next What's Cookin' Now will be live-streamed on Facebook and YouTube on December 9th, 2021 at 7:00PM 

Donor Recognition & Gratitude

John Marshall Chapter DAR out of Lexington - $1,000

Melissa Ruddick 

Jenette Schwab 

Becky Elam 

Lori Weiler